Gloucs LUG Members

We currently have 87 members (April 2004) from all over the country. Everyone is welcome to join the mailing list or come along to the meetings. If you wish to be added to this page, please contact Glyn Davies or Barbie. Members include the following disreputable types:

Andrew Oakley
Andrew Oakley

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Andy Cater
Andy Cater

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Brad Ackerman
Brad Ackerman

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Dante Ashton
Dante Ashton Homepage:

18 year old ex-windows user, working on Artificial Intelligence as a hobby. Really, really, loves Linux :)

Writing a book about Linux and AI, and their future.

Finds news for his website; AI Hub.


Been Learning Linux for a couple of years, (Fed up with windows!) Recently bought a dual boot T61 from LinuxEmporium. Live in Tetbury

Glyn Davies
Glyn Davies

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Graham Nye
Graham Nye

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Iain Calder
Iain Calder

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Jill Tovey
Jill Tovey is camera shy

I am currently mastering the art of cooking a four course meal using organic vegetables and a Breville toaster.

I also breed prize winning antelope in my back garden and know the exact location of every food item in Sainsbury's.

Also check out

John Mckeown
John Mckeown Homepage:

I have two jobs, one is with the Open University tutoring for the Technology faculty on T171, a 1st year online IT course. The other is at JRI developing websites and online SQL databases, and recently writing distance-learning materials on 'The Living World' for a course on Rural Studies.

Mark (The Unknown) X
Mark (The Unknown) X is camera shy Homepage:

Security consultant/advisor.

Mark Trotman
Mark Trotman is camera shy Homepage:

Semi-pro ebayer and professional drinker.

Matthew Booth
Matthew Booth

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Mike Tonge
Mike Tonge Homepage:

Not quite a newbie, but no expert.


I have recently moved here from Exeter but now I live in Gloucester and work for a local hosting company. I use my Ubuntu laptop daily and love open source software.

Paul Broadhead
Paul Broadhead

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

qybzayyqoy Homepage:

f1sTwI kndejlssgvvb, [url=]thvzxkjogcff[/url], [link=]gxxybtdlfjem[/link],

Sean Keane
Sean Keane

What I do: Programmer, PC Herder and General Problem Solver.

Simon Lewis
Simon Lewis

Sorry, we don't have any details for this member yet. Hopefully they'll upload something soon :)

Steve Searle
Steve Searle is camera shy Homepage:

I have just over 20 years in IT, starting as a mainframe COBOL programmer. I currently work for a Cheltenham IT Consultancy.

My PC and GNU/Linux skills are mostly self taught, but I have managed to set up a small client/server network at home. I think C++ is the most elegant of languages, and perl the cleverest.  But I can't find enough time to spend on them :-(

Tony Cooper
Tony Cooper Homepage:

I am a software engineer. I work primarily in C, C++ and Perl on assorted unix platforms (mainly Linux). I have worked in a wide range of disciplines including GUI design (XView Xt/Motif and Gtk2), Linux device drivers and realtime software.

In my spare time, apart from technical stuff, I am also interested in photography and boating (I currently only have a speed boat but I used to sail a lot).


I have a Toshiba Ubuntu Linux Netbook, and should have gone to Ubuntu years ago! Need to learn more about it. Enjoying a Windows free zone (:.

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